Consultation Fees

Smith Street Practice is a privately billing practice and for most services patients should expect to pay a private fee. The practice has a reduced rate for patients on a Health Care Card or Pension Card. Practice fees are clearly displayed in the reception area.

If you have any difficulties in paying the consultation fees, please discuss it with a reception staff member. There is also a non-attendance charge unless 24 hour notice of non attendance is given.

Fees are payable at the time of the consultation by cash, Eftpos or cheque. The practice is registered with Medicare Australia Online therefore can offer electronic claiming, where the Medicare rebate will be automatically refunded to the patient's nominated bank account.  Please ensure you have registered your bank details with Medicare.

All childhood immunisations are bulk billed through Medicare provided your child is registered with Medicare.

Telephone Access

The doctors in the practice may be contacted during normal surgery hours.  If the doctor is with a patient, a message will be taken and the reception staff will advise you when it is likely the doctor will return your call.

Doctors will likely return calls at the end of their sessions.

In the event that they are unable to do so, they may delegate another staff member to do so on their behalf.


Your medical record is a confidential record.  It is the policy of the practice to maintain security of personal health information at all times.

In accordance with the Privacy Act information about persons aged 16 years or older cannot be divulged to anyone else without the person’s permission.

Accordingly, all patient consultations and medical records are kept strictly confidential and are only available to authorised members of staff.

Privacy Policy


If you have a problem we would like to hear about it.  Please feel free to talk to your doctor or the practice manager. You may prefer to write to us or use the suggestion box. We take your concerns, suggestions and complaints seriously.

If you are not satisfied or your complaint cannot be resolved within the practice, you may wish to contact the Health Care Complaints Commission at:

Locked Bag 18
Strawberry Hills NSW 2012
Telephone 02 9219 7444
or 1800 043 159.


Where possible, patients are advised to call for pathology results between 12:30pm – 1.00pm and again at 5:00pm – 5:30pm and speak with the practice nurse. If the practice nurse is unavailable she will return your call when she is available.  Please allow several days for pathology results to be processed and all pap smear results will be mailed out to you. We recommend you book an appointment with your doctor if you have had an x-ray or scan completed.

After Hours

There is an after hour’s contact number available if you telephone the surgery number (6766 7755) after hours. This will be a mobile telephone number of the doctor on call for the practice. We will be available to give advice for urgent cases after hours.

For emergencies contact the Emergency Department at the Tamworth Rural Referral Hospital on 6767 7435.